You know what you buy.
With AssistIQ you can finally know what you use across your healthcare supply chain.

Put an end to manual documentation, paper trails, wasted supplies, and untrustworthy data.

Know what you have and what you use. Reduce costs and empower your people.


AssistIQ is your trusted line of sight into actual supply usage in the OR and procedural areas. Turn your bottlenecks into value drivers, eliminate complexity, and maintain a baseline level of supplies & implants.

Assistiq capture

Designed for simplicity and powered by computer vision and machine learning, AssistIQ Capture accurately tracks supplies and implants as they are used, eliminating the need for barcodes, RFID, GTIN, PHI, or special hardware.

Assistiq Supply Cloud

Outdated GTIN? Reps pulling trunk stock? No problem! AssistIQ’s Supply Cloud database works seamlessly with AssistIQ Capture to recognize any product, including substitutes and trunk stock. 

AssistIQ AI Insights

Data from AssistIQ Capture is transformed by our AI into actionable insights tailored to each stakeholder, empowering them to proactively unlock missed revenue, reduce cost, and drive sustainable practices. 


AssistIQ Integration

Our platform is adaptable and multi-dimensional. AssistIQ seamlessly integrates with key systems like EHRs and ERPs. We partner with you to tailor to the complexities that are keeping you up at night.

98% Charge Capture

Use of AssistIQ consistently results in a 98% recognition rate for reliable charge capture, preventing any missed revenue.

25% Savings

Leveraging AssistIQ Insights such as preference card optimization and ordering recommendations, our partners reduced costs up to 25% with zero impact on patient outcomes.

Some of our trusted partners


About Us &
Why we Exist

We are a team of healthcare professionals, technologists, and data scientists dedicated to providing our partners with real-time visibility and insights to optimize their supply management and reduce waste.

We believe that a collaborative approach is the way forward for healthcare providers and supply chain partners

AssistIQ not only improves both the top and bottom lines, but also empowers stakeholders across the supply chain to focus on what they do best – enhancing patient outcomes.

Here are just some of the ways AssistIQ helps teams everywhere today:


Eliminating manual documentation and admin burden

Delivering clinically relevant insights on preference cards and expiry risks

Monitoring open and unused products to mitigate waste

Finance and Billing

Immediate charge capture and billing reconciliation

Workflow improvement through EHR/ERP integration

Comparing cost and waste across procedures and physicians


Supply chain

Ordering recommendations based on usage, scheduling, and preference cards

Accurate tracking in high-stakes areas

Perpetual inventory management


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Accurate data & actionable insights for healthcare supply management

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    AssistIQ, 2023. All rights reserved.